
home RENEWABLES NEW & RENEWABLES Soft Loans for New and Renewable Energy

Soft Loans for New and Renewable Energy

  • KEA provides long-term, low interest loans to those who want to install new and renewable energy facilities and producers of facilities in order to foster new and renewable energy industry.
    The facilities that already received subsidies from foreign investment institutes or other public agencies are not eligible for the subsidy.
Legal basis
  • The article 27 of the Act on the Promotion of the Deployment, Use and Diffusion of New and Renewable Energy
  • The article 42 of the Regulation on the Support for New and Renewable Energy Facilities (MOITE Notification no. 2014-56)
Scope of the subsidy
  • Facility funds: funds requested by those who want to install new and renewable energy facilities
    facilities for wind energy, solar thermal, and bioenergy etc.
  • Production funds: funds requested by those who want to build production facilities of new and renewable energy related products or facilities
  • Operation funds: funds needed to increase capital liquidity of manufacturers of new and renewable energy products
    Loans for commercialization of technology: loans for production costs to produce prototypes and facility installation costs to produce such prototypes (the loan is made only for facility funds and production funds)