
home CLIMATE CHANGE Verification and Certification of GHG Verification of GHG Emission Reduction

Verification of GHG Emission Reduction

Overview of the program

KEA assess GHG reduction achieved by Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), KVER and other voluntary reduction projects such as Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) projects. KEA also verifies GHG inventory of companies to help them strengthen their GHG management ability.

Targets of the program and Legal basis
  • Projects subject to the verification
    • - Emission reduction projects of 6 major GHGs decided by Kyoto Protocol (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) and forestation or reforestation projects

  • Legal basis
    • - CDM projects: Kyoto Protocol (the 3rd COP, Nov 1997) and Marrakeshi Accords (the 7th COP, Nov 2001)

    • - KVER projects: the Regulation on Designation and Management of GHG Reduction Verification Agency (Notification of MOITE no.2011-72)



  • CDM is a GHG reduction program jointly implemented by Annex I and non-Annex I countries to address ever-growing threats of global warming.
    • - CDM designated operational entities verify if a project meets CDM criteria set by UNFCCC and request registration to UN if the project is valid for CDM.

    • - GHG reduction of the registered CDM is assessed by periodic monitoring. CER is issued after a third party verification of CDM designated operational entities.

GHG reduction project registration

  • The government accepts the registration of GHG reduction projects to encourage voluntary emission reduction efforts of companies. The government has been offering financial incentive to companies that implement the registered projects and reduce GHG emission since 2007.

GHG inventory

  • This program is designed to build a comprehensive GHG management system that keeps record of all GHG emission from business activities. Companies can manage their GHG emission systematically using this system, which will help them to establish GHG reduction plans and find new business opportunities such as KVER and CDM projects.