
home CLIMATE CHANGE Foundation for Emission Statistics Development of Country Specific Emission Factor

Development of Country Specific Emission Factor


KEA develops country specific emission factor that reflects features of energy sources and facilities used in Korea for accurate estimation of national GHG emission.


  • The emission factors are developed to meet the GHG emission reduction obligation according to the convention on climate change on the international level, and to prepare GHG statistical report pursuant to the Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth on the domestic level.
  • Country specific emission factors in energy and industrial process sectors are developed to build accurate and reliable national statistical system.

※ IPCC suggests using a default emission factor which is a global average while recommending that countries develop and use their county specific emission factors that reflect characteristics of each country (Advanced countries are using country specific emission factors).


KEA develops country specific GHG emission factors in energy and industrial process sector

Targets of the Program
  • Emission of CO2, CH4 and N2O in energy sector (energy source, fuel combustion and fugitive emission)
  • Emission of CO2 and Non-CO2 greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6) in industrial process sector (mining, chemical, metal and electronics industry)