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Message from the President

“Energy Leader Trusted by Nation”
Creating realistic changes and social values for the People

Since its establishment in 1980, Korea Energy Agency has been at the forefront of efficient and rational energy use in Korea, as a silent guardian of Korea’s sound economic development and better quality of life.

From energy audit service, identifying energy saving potential in energy intensive businesses, to systematical optimization of building and industrial energy consumption pattern using ICT, KEA has led the transformation into a low energy consumption society with efficient energy use culture.

In an effort to secure energy sources in resource-deprived country, KEA also paved a road for development and dissemination of renewable energy including solar and wind energy, while playing a pivotal role in climate change response and national greenhouse gas reduction.

KEA is not stopping here and will make a leap toward higher challenges and innovation.

Currently, the worldis witnessing rapid changes in energy supply and demand,prompted by shale gas revolution in the United States. Revolutionary transformations are happening simultaneously in energy-related technologies and industries such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), renewable energy, Energy Storage System (ESS), electric and hydrogen vehicles. Especially, the international attempts to cope with the climate change also have been intensified.

Corresponding to the transitions in a global energy environment, KEA will contribute tonational economic development by making changes in Korea’s energy supply and demand system and creating new energy business. Furthermore, with the best efforts to resolve energy poverty and improve energy welfare systems, KEA will leapfrogtoa“Global Top Energy Expert Organization” that opens a new horizon in Korea’s energy future.

In order to do so, we will do our utmost to become a trustworthy public institution,respectedby the people, enterprises and government, through field-oriented innovative achievements, communication, cooperation, and clean and transparentmanagement.

With deep gratitude for your interest and support, Korea Energy Agency will continue its endeavor as a global energy expert organization.

Thank you.

Korea Energy Agency